Rappende steward op vlucht Southwest Airlines
dinsdag 26 februari 2013
Raak je soms ook verveeld door de saaie uitleg van de stewards en stewardessen bij de aanvang van je vlucht? Boek dan een keer een vlucht met Southwest Airlines. De uitleg van de veiligheidsmaatregelen gaat er daar heel anders aan toe. Al rappend doet de steward daar de mededelingen:
"Shortly after take-off, first thing's first
there's soft drinks and coffee to quench your first,"
"Carry-on items go under the seat
in front of you so none of you have things by your feet"
"Before we leave, our advice
is put away your electronic devices"
"If you have a seat on a row with an exit
we're gonna talk to you so you might as well expect it.
You gotta help us out in case we need you
if you don't want to then we're gonna reseat you."
"Shortly after take-off, first thing's first
there's soft drinks and coffee to quench your first,"
"Carry-on items go under the seat
in front of you so none of you have things by your feet"
"Before we leave, our advice
is put away your electronic devices"
"If you have a seat on a row with an exit
we're gonna talk to you so you might as well expect it.
You gotta help us out in case we need you
if you don't want to then we're gonna reseat you."

Vond je deze inhoud leuk?
Bedankt, je hebt onze dag goed gemaakt!
Therapie is duur - help ons beter te worden!
Goed ontvangen, bedankt!